PC Zone 92
Star Trek - Armada
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Text File
517 lines
multi_common {
+ insert_CD {Please insert Armada CD}
multiplayer_connection {
+ enter_name {Enter Name:}
+ previous_menu {Previous Menu}
+ internet {Internet}
+ lan_tcpip {Local Area Network (TCP/IP)}
+ instant_action {Instant Action}
+ enter_name_button {Enter Name}
+ connect_won_try {Trying to connect to a WON server}
+ generic_won_failure {Could not connect to a WON server}
+ connect_lan_try {Trying to connect to the LAN via TCP/IP}
+ cant_connect_lan {Cannot connect to the LAN via TCP/IP}
+ logon_lan_try {Attempting to logon to the LAN}
+ cant_logon_lan {Could not logon to the LAN}
+ crc_checking {CRC checking, please wait...}
won_login {
+ title {WON LOGIN}
+ name {Name}
+ password {Password}
+ save_password {Save Password}
+ new_profile {Create New Profile}
+ change_password {Change Password}
+ previous_menu {Previous Menu}
+ log_in {Log In}
+ won {WON.net}
+ error {Error}
+ ok {O.K.}
+ cant_connect {Can't connect to WON server}
+ new_version_exists {Please download the patch to play on WON.}
+ bad_password {Incorrect password}
+ server_busy {The server is busy, try again later}
+ unknown_user {This user name is unknown}
+ generic_failure {Unable to log into WON}
+ previous_over {Return to the protocol selection screen}
+ login_over {Log into WON}
+ won_over {Go to the WON web page}
+ new_profile_over {Create a new WON account}
+ change_password_over {Change your password}
+ name_over {Type in your WON account login name}
+ password_over {Type in your WON account password}
+ login_won_try {Trying to Log In to a WON server}
+ web_page {http://www.won.net/re/armadawonnet/}
internet_game {
+ internet_title {INTERNET GAME}
+ lan_title {LAN GAME}
+ previous_menu {Previous Menu}
+ help {Help}
+ join_won {Armada.WON.net}
+ join_won2 {Message Boards}
+ main_menu {Main Menu}
+ join_game {Join Game}
+ create_game {Create Game}
+ join {Join}
+ create {Create}
+ find_player {Find Player}
+ players_in_room {Players In Room}
+ rooms {Rooms}
+ current_games {Current Games}
+ chat {Chat}
+ ignore {Ignore}
+ unignore {Un-ignore}
+ change_room {Change Room}
+ show_all {Show all}
+ chat_in {Chat in}
+ cancel {Cancel}
+ ok {O.K.}
+ press_cancel {Press Cancel To Abort}
+ join_game_try {Trying To Join Game}
+ join_room_try {Trying To Join Room}
+ create_game_try {Trying To Create Game}
+ create_room_try {Trying To Create Room}
+ error {Error!}
+ bad_password {Incorrect Password!}
+ bad_ping {You've been rejected because of your ping}
+ bad_crc {CRC values do not match, different versions of the game}
+ locked {The game you tried to join has been locked}
+ launched {The game you tried to join has been launched}
+ abandoned {The game you tried to join has been cancelled}
+ full {The game you tried to join is full}
+ kicked {You have been kicked from this game}
+ host_lost {The host of this game has been lost}
+ host_quit {The host of this game has quit}
+ i_quit {You are unable to join this game}
+ game_create_failed {The Game Create Failed}
+ invalid_password {The Password has invalid characters}
+ invalid_name {The Name has invalid characters}
+ room_full {The room you tried to join is full}
+ room_abandon {The room you tried to join is abandon}
+ room_join_failure {Unable to join room}
+ disabled {Chat Disabled in LAN play}
+ player_list_disabled_text_0 {Player List}
+ player_list_disabled_text_1 {disabled in}
+ player_list_disabled_text_2 {LAN play}
+ player_list_disabled_text_3 {}
+ player_list_disabled_text_4 {}
+ you_say {You told}
+ privately_tells_you {privately tells you}
+ web_page1 {http://www.won.net/re/armadagamesite/}
+ web_page2 {http://www.won.net/re/armadaboards/}
multiplayer_setup {
+ title {GAME SETUP}
+ messages {Messages}
+ previous_menu {Previous Menu}
+ main_menu {Main Menu}
+ launch {LAUNCH}
+ select_map {SELECT MAP}
+ launch_light {L}
+ map_name {Map Name}
+ map_description {Map Description}
+ rules {Rules}
+ options {Options}
+ game_type {Game Type}
+ max_players {Max Players}
+ kick {Kick}
+ handicap {Handicap}
+ observer {Observer}
+ federation {Federation}
+ borg {Borg}
+ romulan {Romulan}
+ klingon {Klingon}
+ random {Random}
+ alliance {Alliances}
+ teams {Teams}
+ empty {Empty Slot}
+ computer_easy {Computer AI:Easy}
+ computer_medium {Computer AI:Medium}
+ computer_hard {Computer AI:Hard}
+ shroud_fog_on_on {Shroud On, Fog On}
+ shroud_fog_off_on {Shroud Off, Fog On}
+ shroud_fog_on_off {Shroud On, Fog Off}
+ shroud_fog_off_off {Shroud Off, Fog Off}
+ fixed_placement_on {Random Placement}
+ fixed_placement_off {Fixed Placement}
+ show_all {Show All}
+ show_available {Show Available}
+ show_allies {Show Allies}
+ show_none {Show None}
+ hide_minimap_on {Minimap Shown}
+ hide_minimap_off {Minimap Hidden}
+ alliances_teams_on {Alliances}
+ alliances_teams_off {Teams}
+ tech_level_one {Standard Tech}
+ tech_level_two {No Super Weapons}
+ tech_level_three {No Science ships}
+ tech_level_four {No Special Weapons}
+ tech_level_five {John's Special}
+ tech_level_six {Free Tech}
+ tech_level_seven {Super Side Tech}
+ give_units_on {Give Units On}
+ give_units_off {Give Units Off}
+ spectator_on {Spectator On}
+ spectator_off {Spectator Off}
+ directors_off {Directors Cut On}
+ directors_on {Directors Cut Off}
+ infinite_moons_off {Infinite Moons On}
+ infinite_moons_on {Infinite Moons Off}
+ ferengi_off {Ferengi On}
+ ferengi_on {Ferengi Off}
+ default_units_map {Map Units}
+ default_units_minimal {Minimal Units}
+ default_units_standard {Standard Units}
+ default_units_super {Super Side}
+ team_1 {Team 1}
+ team_2 {Team 2}
+ team_3 {Team 3}
+ team_4 {Team 4}
+ team_5 {Team 5}
+ team_6 {Team 6}
+ team_7 {Team 7}
+ team_8 {Team 8}
+ normal_game_type {Normal Game}
+ head_to_head_type {Head To Head}
+ ladder_game_type {Ladder Game}
+ ping_filter_off {Ping Filter Off}
+ ping_filter_200 {Ping Filter 200}
+ ping_filter_400 {Ping Filter 400}
+ ping_filter_600 {Ping Filter 600}
+ maximum_players_8 {Max Players: 8}
+ maximum_players_7 {Max Players: 7}
+ maximum_players_6 {Max Players: 6}
+ maximum_players_5 {Max Players: 5}
+ maximum_players_4 {Max Players: 4}
+ maximum_players_3 {Max Players: 3}
+ maximum_players_2 {Max Players: 2}
+ lock_game_on {Game Closed}
+ lock_game_off {Game Open}
+ game_name {Game Name}
+ player_name {Player Name}
+ side {Side}
+ players {Players}
+ alliance_team {Team Selection Mode}
+ spectator {Spectators}
+ super_side {Super Side}
+ handicap {Handicap}
+ anomolies {Anomolies}
+ comets {Comets}
+ credits {Credits}
+ all {ALL}
+ private {PRIVATE}
+ allies {ALLIES}
+ enemies {ENEMIES}
+ on {ON}
+ off {OFF}
+ starting_crew {Crew}
+ max_officers {Officers}
+ starting_dilithium {Dilithium}
+ sd_value_1 {3000}
+ sd_value_2 {4000}
+ sd_value_3 {5000}
+ sd_value_4 {7500}
+ sd_value_5 {10000}
+ sc_value_1 {3500}
+ sc_value_2 {5000}
+ sc_value_3 {7500}
+ sc_value_4 {10000}
+ sc_value_5 {99999}
+ mo_value_1 {100}
+ mo_value_2 {150}
+ mo_value_3 {200}
+ mo_value_4 {250}
+ mo_value_5 {999}
+ want_to_launch {The host wants to launch}
+ game_overloaded {There are too many players for this map}
+ one_team {There is only one team in this game}
+ need_cds {You need 1 CD for every 4 players on LAN}
+ system {System}
+ player_limit_warning {<System>This game exceeds the recommended number of players for modem Internet play}
+ bullet {ò}
multiplayer_create_game_popup {
+ name {Game Name:}
+ password {Password:}
+ ok_button {O.K.}
+ cancel_button {Cancel}
multiplayer_create_room_popup {
+ name {Room Name:}
+ password {Password:}
+ ok_button {O.K.}
+ cancel_button {Cancel}
multiplayer_password_popup {
+ password {Password:}
+ ok_button {O.K.}
+ cancel_button {Cancel}
multiplayer_debriefing {
+ continue {Continue}
+ quit {Quit To Windows}
+ title {DEBRIEFING}
+ dilithium {Dilithium}
+ created {Created}
+ lost {Lost}
+ destroyed {Destroyed}
+ name {Name}
+ side {Side}
+ handicap {Handicap}
+ collected {Collected}
+ spent {Spent}
+ ships {Ships}
+ stations {Stations}
main_menu {
+ single_player {Single Player}
+ multiplayer {Multi Player}
+ options {Options}
+ replay_intro {Replay Intro}
+ quit {Quit}
+ credits {Credits}
+ button_font {Arial}
single_player {
+ previous_menu {PREVIOUS MENU}
+ load_game {LOAD GAME}
+ federation_incomplete {Federation campaign not complete}
+ klingon_incomplete {Klingon campaign not complete}
+ romulan_incomplete {Romulan campaign not complete}
mission_select {
+ ok_button {O.K.}
+ cancel_button {Cancel}
+ fed1.bzn {Premonitions}
+ fed2.bzn {Paradise Revisited}
+ fed5.bzn {Vendetta}
+ fed3.bzn {Dark Omens}
+ fed4.bzn {TEST FOR ART}
+ kling3.bzn {To the Gates of Sto'Vo'Kor}
+ kling1.bzn {The Enemy Within}
+ kling4.bzn {A Good Day to Die}
+ kling2.bzn {Broken Ties}
+ kling5.bzn {Gray Eminence}
+ rom2.bzn {Cloak and Dagger}
+ rom4.bzn {Call to Power}
+ rom3.bzn {The Gauntlet}
+ rom1.bzn {Retribution}
+ rom5.bzn {Unholy Alliances}
+ borg1.bzn {Resurrection}
+ borg3.bzn {Assimilation}
+ borg4.bzn {Extermination}
+ borg2.bzn {Day of Reckoning}
+ borg5.bzn {The Twilight Hour}
+ finale2.bzn {Time after Time}
+ finale4.bzn {Once and Again}
+ finale3.bzn {Strange Bedfellows}
+ finale1.bzn {A Line in the Sand}
+ finale5.bzn {The Alpha and the Omega, Part I}
+ finale6.bzn {The Alpha and the Omega, Part II}
load_game {
+ title {LOAD GAME}
+ previous_menu {Previous Menu}
+ load_game_text {Load Game}
+ delete_game {Delete Game}
save_game {
+ title {SAVE GAME}
+ previous_menu {Previous Menu}
+ save_game_text {Save Game}
+ delete_game {Delete Game}
multiplayer_map_select {
+ size_1 {Size 1?}
+ size_2 {Size 2?}
+ size_3 {Size 3?}
+ all_maps {All Maps}
+ maximum_players_8 {8 Players}
+ maximum_players_7 {7 Players}
+ maximum_players_6 {6 Players}
+ maximum_players_5 {5 Players}
+ maximum_players_4 {4 Players}
+ maximum_players_3 {3 Players}
+ maximum_players_2 {2 Players}
+ map_type_one {Map Type 1}
+ map_type_two {Map Type 2}
+ select_map_button {Select Map}
+ cancel_button {Cancel}
+ random_button {Random}
save_over {
+ warning {Warning:}
+ ok_button {Yes}
+ cancel_button {No}
+ message {Overwrite game?}
abort_mission_popup {
+ warning {Warning:}
+ ok_button {Yes}
+ cancel_button {No}
+ message {Are you sure you want to abort the mission?}
race_names {
+ federation {Federation}
+ borg {Borg}
+ klingon {Klingon}
+ romulan {Romulan}
+ super {Super Side}
escape_menu {
+ title {OPTIONS}
+ restate {Restate Objectives}
+ save_game {Save Game}
+ load_game {Load Game}
+ graphics {Graphics Settings}
+ sound {Sound Settings}
+ game {Game Settings}
+ abort {Abort Mission}
+ surrender {Surrender}
+ return {Return to Game}
game_settings {
+ game_difficulty {Game Difficulty}
+ easy {Easy}
+ medium {Medium}
+ hard {Hard}
+ game_speed {Game Speed}
+ mouse_scroll_speed {Mouse Scroll Speed}
+ keyboard_scroll_speed {Keyboard Scroll Speed}
+ mouse_button_interface {Mouse Button Interface}
+ right_click {Right Click}
+ left_click {Left Click}
+ mouse_camera_control {Mouse Camera Control}
+ directors_cut {Directors Cut}
+ on {On}
+ off {Off}
+ previous {Previous Menu}
sound_settings {
+ music_volume {Music Volume}
+ effects_volume {Effects Volume}
+ voice_volume {Voice Volume}
+ sound_channels {Sound Channels}
+ stereo_sound {Stereo Sound}
+ unit_speech {Unit Speech}
+ alert_audio {Alert Audio}
+ building_sounds {Building Sounds}
+ previous_menu {Previous Menu}
+ on {On}
+ off {Off}
graphics_settings {
+ display_settings {Display Settings}
+ display_mode {Display Mode*}
+ display_driver {Display Driver}
+ gamma_correction {Gamma Correction}
+ background_brightness {Background Brightness}
+ dual_monitor_support {Dual Monitor Support}
+ on {On}
+ off {Off}
+ second_monitor_driver {Second Monitor Display Driver}
+ performance_settings {Performance Settings}
+ hardware_acceleration {Hardware Acceleration}
+ aliased_fonts {Use Alternate Font}
+ cinematic_window {Cinematic Window}
+ ship_detail {Graphics Detail}
+ texture_detail {Texture Detail}
+ effects {Effects}
+ background {Background}
+ previous {Previous Menu}
+ default {Default}
+ unsupported {* Some resolutions may not be supported by your hardware.}
create_new_account {
+ title {Create New Account}
+ name {Name}
+ password {Password}
+ password2 {Reenter Password}
+ email {Email Address}
+ email_message {If you do not give your e-mail address, we cannot}
+ email_message2 {send you your password if you lose it.}
+ ok {O.K.}
+ cancel {Cancel}
+ error {Error}
+ different_passwords {The two passwords are different}
+ generic_error {The account creation has failed}
+ success {Success!}
+ account_created {Account created!}
+ account_create_failed {The account creation has failed}
+ account_create_taken {Sorry, that user name is taken}
+ account_create_bad_name {That name is not acceptable for use one WON}
+ account_create_bad_password {The password you specified is not acceptable for use on WON}
+ account_create_try {Trying to create this account}
+ password_short {The password needs to be at least 6 letters}
change_password {
+ title {Change Password}
+ name {Name}
+ password {Old Password}
+ password2 {New Password}
+ password3 {Reenter New Password}
+ ok {O.K.}
+ cancel {Cancel}
+ password_changed {Password successfully changed!}
+ generic_error {Unable to change password}
+ change_failed {Unable to change password}
+ bad_password {The password you specified is not acceptable for use on WON}
+ attempting {Attempting to changet he password}
help_window {
+ title {Help}
+ ok {O.K.}
+ filename {help\\nethelp.txt}
demo {
+ demo_enabled {Not Available in Demo}
multiplayer_room_select {
+ select_room_button {Select Room}
+ create_room {Create Room}